Saturday, January 27, 2007

This Week in Pink: An Ode to my Sugar Daddy

This week's queer musical interlude: Final Fantasy's cover of Joanna Newsom's "Peach, Plum, Pear".

And what we have to remember this week by in queer blog posts:
  • The kids down at Good As You obsess over Donny Davies, internet star extraordinaire.
  • Bil Browning's out to take down some gay-ish Indiana lawmakers. The question remains: will he catch my heroin-addicted, orgy-lovin' sugar daddy on the IN House judicial commit... oops! I said too much!
  • Pam Spaulding raises some interesting questions about the legitimacy of Hillary's stand on GLBT rights. She'll answer your questions, Pam, once she's finished her national polling on them, analyzed the results according to respondent's current likelihood of voting for her in the primary, and then triangulated her position with likely Republican cross-overs and found the right framing for swing voters. Gosh! Give her a minute!
  • Jasmyne Cannick defends Isaiah Washington and tells gay community to look in the mirror when it comes to discrimination.
  • Jim at Box Turtle Bulletin points out that Americans are exporting homophobia to Europe. And I still can't find a bottle of Ranch dressing in Paris!

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