Friday, November 10, 2006

OMG! Doogie Howser is gay!

With pretty much anybody who's anybody being flung out of the closet, it's not surprising that everyone's favorite fictional teen doctor has jumped on the bandwagon. Doogie Howser, M.D., (his real name is apparently Neil Patrick Harris) is gay, gay, gay.

His new show, How I Met your Mother, is even more uncomfortably heterosexual than his first. Harris plays Barney Stinson, a single 30-something looking for true love. *yawn* While the kids don't disapprove, because How I Met your Mother is far too meek to provide anything to disapprove of, they still prefer Harris as the Foley wet dream of the 80's.

The kids hope that this news will stop the hundreds of stories that would have portrayed Harris as a straight teen doctor discovering his gay sex.

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